Student and Teacher Cards
...are issued free of charge for any student or teacher who lives outside of Alexandria or Monroe Township but is enrolled or teaches in the Alexandria Community School Corporation or St. Mary’s Parochial School...
Check out our videos for craft ideas, suggested reading, and video of some of our fun AMPL Programs!
DIY Duck Tape Pencil Pouch

DIY Duck Tape Pencil Pouch

Royal Recap: Cinderella

Royal Recap: Three Little Pigs

Tournament of Champions Program Highlights

Even the smartest scholar needs help every now and then. Below are some great links to help you out with homework questions or help to find a tutor.
Rose-Hulman offers free math and science homework help to Indiana students. Click on the link above to see their hours and how to contact them.
Got questions about math and need help right now? Go to freeMATHhelp.com or click the link above. They have sources for people as young as kindergarten all the way up to calculus!
If you’re looking for an extra boost or need a little extra time with a subject, Khan Academy offers lessons for free in a variety of subjects. They have resources and lessons in math, history, art, finance, biology, and many, many more subjects! Check them out by clicking on Khan Academy above.